I have many, many insects, spiders, lizards, and so on that all play out the dance of Nature. They are beautiful and fascinating to watch.
- Dragonfly
- Honeybee
- Honeybee
- Bumblebee on a Coneflower
- Bumblebee with Orange “Saddlebags”
- Green Dragonfly
- Flower Fly
- American Chameleon (Anolis carolinensis)
- Praying Mantis
- Praying Mantis
- Striped Wasp
- Thin Wasp with Orange Band
- Two wasps on the Summersweet
- Cassia with eggs
- Grasshopper in the Cassia
- Green lynx spider (Peucetia viridans)
- Spider mom
- Spider babies
All photos copyright Ann Kinsinger. If you would like to use any of my photos, please contact me for permission at annkinsc@gmail.com